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About Us
Carrfields Machinery

Carrfields Machinery is part of the Carrfields Group, which is a family owned business, their head office is located in Ashburton, New Zealand.

Carrfields is representative of the Carr family, who has farmed and built the Carr Group companies over the past forty years from the fields of the Canterbury region. At the core of our business is our New Zealand heritage, its land, farms, and people.

The Carrfields promise is to deliver quality and integrity across the value chain starting at the farm gate right through to the family home in New Zealand or around the world.

To learn more about Carrfields, visit

Carrfields Machinery in Australia

Carrfields Machinery offers low hour quality used machines including CLAAS Combine Harvesters, New Holland, Case IH and John Deere.  Carrfields Machinery has a range of quality used machines for sale and ready to send to Australia or around the world that are ‘Field Ready’.

Carrfields Machinery in New Zealand 

Carrfields Machinery operate in Canterbury and sell new farm and agricultural equipment throughout all of New Zealand from the following manufacturers.

  • Horsch
  • Novag
  • MacDon
  • Grange Machinery
  • Coolamon
  • Anderson

What this means for customers in Australia is Carrfields can supply a reliable source of well-maintained machinery from some of New Zealand’s large arable contractors.  Contractors will upgrade their machinery every 3 – 5 years.  That means we have the ability to provide machinery to contractors and private farmers at a fraction on new machinery prices.